Mrs. Rausch/Ms. Gregoire 5th Grade Blue Team

Friday, March 23, 2012

Block 2

Here's another quiz for you to try. Compare it to the first test you took and let me know what you think.


  1. I think its better than the first quiz because you actually had to do some thinking.Plus, it took me longer which means quiz two is probably more like tenmarks.I also like these quizes better because you can reset them.It reminds me of correcting a quiz.

  2. i thought that the test was harder then the last test. KB b2

  3. The test was really easy. On one of them, answer A and D were the same (both were 1/15) and I didn't know which answer to put in.

  4. I thought the test was really easy because its mainly probabilty


  5. I thought this test was easier than the last one personaly I like the quizzes though i got one wrong but i must have just clicked the wrong button/answer because i did 3*3=9 and i thought i answered that but i guess not

  6. I thought the test was not difficult but i would not call it easy. there were alot of easy questions but some of them were tricky.

  7. there was one glitch the answer was 1 over 15 but there was 2 choices that said the same thing.I dont know if you can fix it but i would try.It messed me up and i got the question wrong.
